Tearepa (Ngāti Paoa, Waikato) has been coaching the Waitakere Vipers for six years and has just taken the reigns of the Waitakere Rangers Under 11’s. The Rangers are now halfway through the season and currently undefeated. During covid at the end of 2020, Tearepa got lucky, and managed to lead a group of filmmakers down to Tame’s garden in Ruatoki, where they met up with Cliff Curtis, Jay Ryan and Manu Bennett fresh off a flight from Iceland. Simone Kessell, Ria Paki and Roimata Fox also joined them down in the valley, and with the help of many Tūhoe, they managed to wrangle some horses, a few quad bikes and a school bus. They also managed to lure a chopper pilot away from America’s Cup from time to time during the shoot. Muru is Tearepa’s second narrative feature film and revolves around a local community Police Sergeant named Taffy, who must choose between serving his badge or protecting his people, when a Government sanctioned police raid avalanches through his whārua. Muru is a Māori concept for forgiveness, will open NZIFF 2022 and is a response to the 2007 raids against the nation of Tūhoe.