Big Screen Symposium has been consulting with the industry to create some scholarships for screen practitioners who are finding cost a barrier to attending. This is especially so for those living outside of Auckland. We are delighted to confirm the following regional office’s support:
Bay of Plenty Regional Scholarship
Film Bay of Plenty is pleased to be offering two regional scholarships this year to enable regional industry practitioners to attend the event. Each scholarship will include 1 x ticket to the two-day conference in Auckland and a $300 travel bursary to contribute toward travel and accommodation costs
Eligibility criteria:
- Applicants must be based in or strongly Whakapapa back to the Bay of Plenty
- Applicants must primarily work in the screen industry
- Applicants must be available and able to commit to attending the conference on 9 – 10 July.
- The venue is a CVC (COVID Vaccination Certificate) mandated venue applicants must have a My Vaccine Pass and photo ID to enter the venue.
To apply you’ll need to send the following to :
- An up-to-date resume
- A personal statement explaining why you want to attend the event, how it will contribute to your career development and how your attendance will feedback & benefit the Bay of Plenty Screen industry.
- Confirmation that you can travel during the event date
- Proof of your My Vaccine Pass.
Entries must be received by Tuesday 8 February 2022.
Read the full announcement here
Otago Southland Regional Scholarship
Film Otago Southland is offering two regional scholarships to attend the Big Screen Symposium in Auckland on the 8th and 9th of April. The scholarship will cover 1 x ticket to the two-day industry event and offer a $300 travel bursary to contribute toward travel and accommodation costs.
Eligibility criteria:
- Applicants must be based in Otago and Southland
- Applicants must primarily work in the screen industry, or be actively working towards a career in the screen industry
- Applicants must be available and able to commit to attend the conference on 9 – 10 July 2022.
To apply you’ll need to send the following to
- An up-to-date resume
- A personal statement (approx. 200 – 500 words) explaining why you want to attend the event and how it might contribute to your career development
- Confirmation that you can travel during the event date
Entries must be received by Sunday 6 February 2022.
Read the full announcement here
Canterbury & West Coast Regional Scholarship
Screen CanterburyNZ is offering two regional scholarships to attend the Big Screen Symposium in Auckland on the 8th and 9th of April. The scholarship will cover 1 x ticket to the two-day industry event and offer a $300 travel bursary to contribute toward travel and accommodation costs.
Eligibility criteria:
- Applicants must be based in the Canterbury Region
- Applicants must primarily work in the screen industry or be actively working towards a career in the screen industry.
- Applicants must be available and commit to attending the conference on both days, 9 and 10 July. 2022.
To apply you’ll need to send the following:
- An up-to-date resume
- A personal statement (200-500 words) explaining why you want to attend the event and how it would contribute to your career development.
- Copy of the Vaccination Pass to confirm you are fully vaccinated
- Confirm that you can travel during the event date
- The applications need to reach us by end of the day on 10th of February
Entries must be received by Thursday 10 February 2022
Read the full announcement here
Whanganui Regional Scholarship
Film Whanganui is offering one regional scholarship to attend the Big Screen Symposium in Auckland on the 8th and 9th of April. The scholarship will cover 1 x ticket to the two-day industry event and offer a $500 travel bursary to contribute toward travel and accommodation costs.
Eligibility criteria:
- Applicants must be based in the Whanganui region.
- Applicants must work in the screen industry, or be actively working towards a career in the screen industry.
- Applicants must be able to commit to attending the conference on the 9th and 10th July 2022 in Auckland
To apply you’ll need to tell Film Whanganui the following:
- What you’ve achieved so far
- Why you want to attend the symposium
- How you anticipate it will contribute to your career development
Entries must be received by Wednesday 23 February 2022
Read the full announcement here
More regional scholarships for Big Screen Symposium 2022 will be announced soon.