Case Study: Job Sharing
This session will provide insight into how job-sharing works and key considerations for production companies, producers, and job-sharers.
Jonathon Dutton from Screen Well Australia will present the findings from their Screen Australia funded initiative, Breaking Down the Barriers to Job-Sharing, which involved piloting job-sharing on a Matchbox Picture’s production in Sydney.
With many people leaving the Australian screen industry, or not being able to continue working due to changing life circumstances and wellbeing concerns, job-sharing has widely been recommended as an opportunity to address this. Job-sharing has been trialed and explored all over the world, but until now, there has been little understanding as to how this might work in Australia or New Zealand.
Following Jonathon’s presentation, there will be a discussion facilitated by Screen Guild’s ED Kelly Lucas, raising some answers from the room about how job-sharing could be successfully implemented in our screen industry.