Creating a Successful Social Content Strategy
Twitter or TikTok? Website or Facebook page? Vertical or horizontal? GIFs or videos? And how do you get those Instagram stickers? Content is key for your project’s social media strategy, but how do you work out what you need, who creates it, where and when to post it, and how to ensure that it is authentic to both your story and your audience? Stop sweating the social stuff! You don’t need to know it all, you just need to know your audience. Our expert panel will help you put community at the heart of your social strategy—everything else flows from there. You’ll learn the smartest questions to ask your publicity strategist; how to plan, schedule and budget the best social campaign for your project; and see some of the latest best-practice, high impact social media examples from Aotearoa and beyond.
Aaron Yap (Head of Social, Letterboxd)
Courtney Mayhew (Managing Director, matter publicity)
Kura Turuwhenua (Comedian and Creative Strategist)
Gemma Gracewood (Tangata Tiriti Chair — Aotearoa Screen Publicists Collective )